Great Harvest Bread
Order your King Cake today!
Available every Thursday through Sunday starting January 6th.
We will also be offering King Cake Muffins!

This History of King Cakes
The Epiphany or little Christmas is observed on January 6th in many Christian churches. 
This day has come to be knows as "King's Day". Since the 300's, this day has 
honored the meeting of the Three Wise Men with infant Jesus. King Cakes 
became part of the celebration to symbolize the "finding of baby Jesus".

Traditionally King Cakes are oval-shaped to show unity of all Christians. The Mardi Gras season which 
begins on this "Twelfth Night" (January 6th) is expressed on King Cakes by using the carnival colors 
of green (faith), gold (power), and purple (justice).

In the past a bean, pecan, pea, or coin was hidden inside each King Cake. Today, a tiny plastic baby is used. 
As a King Cake is cut, each person awaits anxiously for a piece to locate the "baby". The person who finds 
the baby is "King of the Party" and obligated to bring a King Cake to the next party.

A fun Mardi Gras tradition that you can start at home, in your office, or classroom. King Cake season 
ends on Mardi Gras  ("Fat Tuesday"), the day before Lent begins.
Great Harvest Bread of Rockville, Maryland
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